Build your spreadsheet files on Sketchnote!
December 20, 2022
We're back after a week's hiatus to introduce a feature that brings a sense of completeness to our bouquet of productivity tools—the Worksheet! Let's tell you all about it, plus other new changes this week.
Worksheets are now live on Sketchnote!
Everyone who has ever used a spreadsheet can attest to its utility. You can build pretty much anything on one! From simple databases to complex calculations—spreadsheets are often at the heart of any startup's data centre.
And so, we've added the uber-familiar tool in a view called the Worksheet on Sketchnote! You can now add multiple sheets within a single Worksheet view, and keep all your vital data in one place.
But wait, what about all the existing data you have across various platforms and your local machine? Well, you can also import your existing Excel, Google Sheets and Numbers files onto Sketchnote—with your data completely intact!
Go ahead and take Worksheets for a spin!
New tab improvements
We receive some amazing feedback from our power users on a regular basis, which helps us develop a product that you all love and use. One of these recent pieces of feedback stuck with us and we got to work immediately. Here it is:
Now when you're working on a file and close the tab or shut the browser down and open Sketchnote again later, we'll take you back to the same file you worked on last! This will help avoid going through the trouble of navigating through the dashboard to find the file again.
Last updated