Version History Feature now available
February 2, 2022
We’re feeling a bit nostalgic here at Sketchnote this week. It’s human tendency to sit back and reminisce, remember how important events in your life unfolded before your eyes, blow-by-blow. You can recollect the day like it happened yesterday. We do too!
You know what you CAN’T always recollect, though? Changes you made to that document three days ago. It’s hard; we’ve all been there. You can’t be expected to remember every little bit of the work you’ve done before. Hence, version history! Let’s tell you a bit about what’s new at Sketchnote.
Check out and restore version history
We promised this feature a while back, and it’s finally here! You could want to check smaller changes that have happened over the course of the document’s lifecycle. Or you could be collaborating on a document and want to see changes your teammates made. No problemo! We’re here to help!
You can click on the history icon on the top right of your document to see the changes that were made by you—or your collaborators—and items that were changed. You can also restore a version and have your document revert to a past state! Check it out in action.
Board breadcrumbs are here
When you’re operating in a large organization with multiple workspaces, it can be hard to keep a tab on where you are at times. Are you working on a private board? Is this board part of the fundraising team’s workspace or the marketing one? Well, you can now figure it out easily!
We now have breadcrumbs for you to figure where on Sketchnote you are, with just a glance. Isn’t that absolutely cool? See how it works!
Bug fixes: Optimizations and rendering tweaks
First up, we’ve solved a pesky bug that had been an irritant all of last week. The dashboard will now load a lot quicker, and so will recommendations. The tech team’s tinkered with the backend, and this won’t be a problem any longer. More improvements on that end are coming soon, so stay tuned!
Another issue that many users faced earlier was this—exporting a doc with a table to PDF would cause the table to look haphazard and had some errors. This won’t be a problem any more.
Last updated