Magic link login active, improved table behavior and better search
October 7, 2021
In this era of, “Move fast and break things," we're trying to do something different here at Sketchnote. With every product launch and its subsequent beta phase come two major things—bugs and new features. And every week, our able tech team tries to deal with these two by taking the challenges of building and shipping features quickly, head on.
As initial beta testers, we believe you'll get the best out of your experience of using Sketchnote when you know how we've enhanced your experience. Presenting, the first of many bug fixes and feature updates for Sketchnote. Here's what we've been up to this week:
Magic link to log in and sign up with No Google ID? No problem. Sign up using any email ID at all, and we'll give you two ways to start using Sketchnote. You can access your mail and get in using a code we sent you, or simply click on the link in the same mail to be redirected to sign up screen. Similarly, log in using a code or a magic link, whenever you want! This sign up method means you'll need to set a password for your Sketchnote account. And in case you forget it, we've implemented a forgot password screen too!
Improved table behavior A lot of our initial users wanted more from the table. And in the first step towards getting the best out of it, we've improved the table behavior inside creations and documents editor. It's now a lot faster and you can copy paste MOST external tables better into your Sketchnote editor. Go ahead and start creating your database! Shoutout to Kashyap from Aarogram for suggesting we speed up on the copy paste feature!
Tables in lessons, now better In case you come across a table while learning a topic, you will be able to view the details a lot clearer, instead of having to click to open it. This adds to the hassle-free, distraction-free learning experience we want you to have on Sketchnote!
Search better The search function has been tweaked to give you better, more relevant results without stuttering much. You're welcome!
Editor optimizations The creation and document editor is now much quicker to work on. You'll find that it's much less laggy now. We've also tweaked it to ensure there aren't any connectivity issues between your document and the backend. This means faster, better saving of your precious work!
Dashboard and catalog optimizations Both these very vital sections of Sketchnote have been improved on to show you relevant recommendations and in progress items faster. The load times are now far less, and we aim to continue making it even quicker to access!
Last updated