Improved task modal, and a new changelog!
June 2, 2022
If you're a longtime user of Sketchnote Boards, you probably remember the evolution of tasks from very rudimentary in the past to a kickass new version in the present. However, one of our more important bits of the task remained stuck—the first time you open it. Well, we're changing it!
Brand new task modal
You know when you open a task again, you see a markdown editor, task details on the right of the screen and attachments. And we know you love it, based on all the feedback we get! We're now making sure you see the same screen when you first begin a task too, making the task adding and editing experience a lot more uniform. Go ahead and add all the details the first time you're adding a task, instead of later!
New changelog, ahoy!
We love taking a trip down memory lane now and again. And our newest changelog will help you come down that path with us! All our newsletters and updates can now be found on the changelog tab on your dashboard. Find all our older gifs explaining features, Loom explainer videos and a lot more here!
Last updated