Sketchnote access, now open to all!

November 3, 2021

Enough teasing. We promised you a big announcement, and here it is! Phew! We're opening up Sketchnote to EVERYONE! Yes, this means no more signing up for the waitlist, and no more waiting for access. Our productivity tools, startup lessons and exercises are now open for you, your teams, and your affiliates—for free! Here are some more details about the big public access news and improvements+bug fixes we've worked on this week:

Sketchnote access, open to all The goal for team Sketchnote had always been to have a vast sea of users on the platform quickly, as we facilitate your learning and building journey. And we're proud to have finally opened up the platform—no holds barred—to everyone, within two months of starting to take waitlist sign ups! You can use your Google account to sign up for Sketchnote, or generate a magic link to sign in from your organization's account. Invite your team members and create your own personal workspace on Sketchnote!

Take a walkthrough on Sketchnote When we started rolling out access to Sketchnote and its tools, we did it in a staggered manner to ensure users like you had full understanding of how the platform works. We also wanted you to not miss out on all features of Sketchnote—starting from the extremely vital markdown editor and its tools, to lessons around startup, guided exercises and more. And now that we've opened up for everyone, we've built a guided tooltip walkthrough for you to understand the ins and outs of Sketchnote and our handy tools. Find out where you can start your journey, how the platform can help you learn and collaborate, or even help you jot down quick pointers of your everyday life.

Multiple table improvements—sorting is here!

Last week was all about improving the overall editor experience. And this week, our tech mavens have narrowed their focus down onto the most used feature of the editor—the table! First up, we've added a much-requested feature to our table's host of weapons. Say hello to sorting! Now, use the sort by ascending or descending feature to rearrange your table's cells, just the way you want to see them! Next, we've also added a start and end date calendar feature to tables. The next time you wish to insert a date field to your table, try using the picker and add a start and an end date to your entry—just like a Board! Lastly, we've made a small improvement to the table, where if you click outside it, the active cell will not be highlighted any longer. Isn't that neat?

A cleaner look to the Docs header We at Sketchnote love using our own product. After all, how do we ensure an excellent experience to you, if we don't enjoy it ourselves, right? So when we use docs, we realize the potential of the header, and the real estate it has to offer. The challenge, then, is to ensure we give you the most important features at your fingertips, without having to scroll to much or look for them. Therefore, we now will let you see the avatars of your team members on the header, even as you scroll through the document! This ensures that you always know who you're collaborating with on your document, while you continue working on it, at a glance. We've also ensured that you see only four avatars at a time on the header, instead of the whole suite of users you may have shared your document with. Let's cut out the clutter, and keep the focus only on what's important!

Last updated